Claims Made Easy

Our Claims Promise
How to submit your claims

Via e-mail

Via your servicing Takaful agents
Select the type of claim
Loss of Life Claim
Ensure that all relevant documents as follows are completed:
a. Claim application form completed by Nominee(s)/ Claimant(s)
b. Original or Certified copy of Death Certificate (by staff or Executive/Business
Development Manager at PruBSN branch or Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad)
c. Direct Credit Facility Form completed by Nominee(s)/Claimant(s)
i. Additional requirements for Certificate without Nomination:
a. Copy of Claimant(s) NRIC
b. Certified true copy of proof of relationship (Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate, Children of Claimant, Parent of Deceased)
for all claimant(s) (if there is no nomination)
c. Grant of Probate (GP) / Letter of Administration (LA) / Fara’id Orders
ii. Additional requirements for Death due to Natural Causes (Illnesses):
a. Medical Attendant Certificate (if certificate less than 5 years)
iii. Additional requirements for Accidental Death/Unnatural Death:
a. Police Report duly certified
b. Detailed Postmortem Report duly certified
c. Toxicology Report duly certified (if any)
iv. If death occurred outside of Malaysia:
a. Confirmation letter from National Registration Department
b. Embarkment Certificate* for foreign death duly certified
*Embarkment certificate means a permission certificate to bring corpse (dead body) back to Malaysia.
c. Certified True Copy of full passport book
v. Khairat and Compassionate Benefits Claim
a. Claim application form completed by Nominee(s)/ Claimant(s)
b. Original or Certified copy of Death Certificate (by staff or Executive/Business Development Manager at PruBSN branch
or Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad)
c. Direct Credit Facility form completed by Nominee(s)/ Claimant(s)
d. Copy of Claimant(s) NRIC
e. Certified true copy of proof of relationship (Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate, Children of Claimant, Parent of Deceased)
for all claimant(s) (if there is no nomination)
Important Note:
Death certificate is a mandatory requirement for death claim submission. In the absence of death certificate, we are unable to proceed with the claim. Burial permit is not acceptable for this claim.
Please retain the original physical documents as the Company may request for the originals for audit purpose. Failure to provide the original document upon request may result in the Company recovering the claims paid.
Total and Permanent Disability Claim
Ensure that all relevant documents as follows are completed:
1. Claim Application Form duly completed by Participant
2. Confidential Medical Certificate duly completed by the last attending doctor
3. Certified true copy of the employment termination letter
4. Certified true copy of the medically boarded out letter and SOCSO/EPF withdrawal approval letter (if any)
5. A copy of Police Report (accident only)
6. Others: Latest physiotherapy/rehabilitation progress, doctor referral letters, blood tests, urine tests, biopsy,
MRI, CT Scan, ultrasound and all investigation reports (where applicable)
7. Direct Credit Facility Form (if not submitted before)
Critical Illness Claim
Ensure that all relevant documents as follows are completed:
The following documents are required to file a Critical Illness Claim (e.g heart attack, cancer, kidney failure)
1. Claim Application form
2. Confidential Medical Certificate (for specific illness)
3. All relevant investigation result (please refer to this list)
4. Inpatient Claims / Day Surgery
Inpatient Claims/Day Surgery
Ensure that all relevant documents as follows are completed:
1. Claim Application form
2. Discharge Summary
3. Hospitalisation & Surgical - Attending Physician's Statement or Doctor's Statement (if there is no Discharge Summary)
4. Direct Credit Facility Form (if not submitted before)
5. Original bill(s)/tax invoice(s) and Original receipt(s) (including deposit and refund receipt, if any
6. Itemised breakdown, if:
Pharmacy charges >20% of total bill/tax invoice
Laboratory charges >10% of total bill/tax invoice
7. Copy of Laboratory Test Result, X-Ray, MRI/CT scan, Ultrasound, Histopathology report (if any)
8. Claim settlement details from third party (other insurer/employer) if claiming balance or High Deductible Claim
For Overseas Medical/Accidental Claims
Ensure that all relevant documents as follows are completed:
1. Copy of passport indicating name, dates of departure from Malaysia and arrival from overseas
(waived for Brunei & Singapore)
2. Original detailed admission bill and receipt (translation of foreign language to English, if deemed necessary)
Pre & Post Hospitalisation Claims, Outpatient Cancer Treatment, Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Treatment
Ensure that all relevant documents as follows are completed:
1. Claim Application Form
2. Direct Credit Facility Form (if not submitted before)
3. Original bill(s)/tax invoice(s) and Original receipt(s) (including deposit and refund receipt, if any)
4. Itemised breakdown, if:
Pre hospitalisation bill/tax invoice-each bill /tax invoice > RM200 (detail listing of consultation fee,
medication, test/investigation charges etc)
Post hospitalisation bill/tax invoice-each bill /tax invoice if medicine/pharmacy > RM200 (detail listing of
medicine name, unit price, prescribed quantity and supply duration)
Accidental Medical Reimbursement/Emergency Accident Outpatient Treatment Claims
Ensure that all relevant documents as follows are completed:
1. Claim Application Form
2. Medical report/Accidental - Attending Physician's Statement, if total bill(s) ≥ RM500 {if total bill(s)/invoice(s) is less than
RM500, attending doctor to endorse the diagnosis (with signature and stamping) and confirm the date of accident}
3. Direct Credit Facility Form (if not submitted before)
4. Original bill(s)/tax invoice(s) and original receipt(s) (including deposit and refund receipt, if any)
5. Itemised breakdown, if total bill > RM200
6. Copy of X-ray, MRI/CT scan report (if any)
Hospital Income/Hospitalisation Benefit/Weekly Indemnity
Ensure that all relevant documents as follows are completed:
1. Claim Application Form (Accident Details required for Weekly Indemnity benefit claim)
2. Discharge Summary
3. Hospitalisation & Surgical - Attending Physician's Statement / Accidental Attending Physician's Statement
(if there is no Discharge Summary)
4. Direct Credit Facility Form (if not submitted before)
5. Copy of Sick Leave Certificate (for Weekly Indemnity/ benefit claim)
6. Healing Progress Report (if incomplete APS/whenever required)
Others Type of Claim
Claim Application Form PRUBSN CLAIM FORM
Original bill(s)/tax invoice(s) and Original receipt(s) (including deposit and refund receipt, if any)
Discharge Summary / Other supporting document .
All relevant investigation result.
Doctor statement : ( select any type of claim below )
INFECTIOUS DISEASE CLAIM (Infections Disease Benefit)
PREGNANCY COMPLICATION CLAIM (Mom Care / Pregnancy / Maternity Complication)
Important reminders before your claim submission
Make sure all claim forms and supporting documents are fully completed to avoid any delays
Make sure your signature on the claim form is the same as the signature that was recorded
Confidential Medical Certificate must be completed at the expense of the claimant himself
This checklist is a reference before submitting a claim. We will request documents and other relevant information
You will need to show the original document that has been copied and submitted to us when necessary
Please refer to FAQ
Checking the status of your claim
Check the status of your claim and certificate information and send the required documents in a few clicks via PruBSN Touch.
Document for Critical Illness
Find our more about document for critical illness here.