It's time to update your payment card details
If you have just renewed your debit card, remember to update it to ensure you and your loved ones are continuously covered and protected by your takaful certificate. 

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A sustainable future starts with you.


Preserving Faith, Life, Lineage, Wealth and Intellect


Our understanding of Sustainability is driven by a synthesis of the Prudential Group’s ESG Strategy, the Malaysian Takaful Industry's Value Based Intermediation for Takaful Framework, as well as the national and global drivers of good governance, financial inclusion, social impact and climate action.

PruBSN’s commitment to Sustainability

The Sustainability Framework encapsulates the core of our takaful business by putting the achievement of the objectives of Shariah at the forefront of our solutions and operations.

We consciously pursue, monitor and realign to ensure value for our internal and external environment through the following Implementation Approaches.

  • Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement

  • Value-driven Solutions

  • Impact-based Assessment

  • Constructive Collaboration

  • Monitoring and Reporting

Strategic Pillars