Day Surgery Benefits
What is Day Surgery
Day surgery lets you have a minor operation and leave the hospital on the same day. These procedures are often simple and easy to recover from.
Make an appointment for Day Surgery
List of recommended day surgery procedures
Diagnostic Bronchoscopy with/without Biopsy
Gastroscopy with/without Biopsy
Manometry and PH study
Colonoscopy with/without Biopsy/ Proctoscopy/Sigmoidoscopy
Endoscopic Ultrasound with/without Biopsy
General Surgery
Excision of Breast Lump
Excision Biopsy of Lump( All types)
Removal of Ganglion/Fibroma
Needle biopsy/aspiration/FNAC
Cystoscopy Examination with/without Biopsy
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)
Removal of DJ Stents
Ureteroscopy(URS) with/without biopsy
Injection of substance into bladder
Dilatation and Curettage/Hysteroscopy
Colposcopy (+/-) biopsy
Cone biopsy, punch biopsy
Marsupialization/excision of Bartholin's gland
Diathermy / Cauterisation / Excision of lesions/polyps of cervix/vagina/vulva
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Release/ Decompression (CTS) - Single/Bilateral
Release Trigger Finger
Excision of Dupuytren’s Contracture
Excision of Neuroma/ Ganglion / Giant Cell Tumour
Bunion Operations
Suture and Other Operations on Tendons and Tendon Sheath
Intra-articular Injection (Day Care/ Clinic)
Partial or Complete Removal of Nails
Injection of Trigger finger
Myringotomy and Grommet Insertion
Oesophagoscopy/Laryngoscopy/microlaryngoscopy with/without biopsy
Excision of Nasal Polyps
Suction Clearance including Removal of Foreign Bodies
Aural Polypectomy
Excision of Chalazion/ pterygium/ eye/ eyelid lesions
Yag Iridotomy
Extraction of Cataract / Phaco-Emulsification with IOL
Correction of Squint (not related to congenital)
Corrective surgery for Blepharoptosis (not related to congenital /cosmetic)
Tear Duct Probing
Correction of entropion/ectropion/trichiasis
Eye injection
Glaucoma surgery
Retinal photocoagulation
Excision or Biopsy of Sebaceous Cysts / Local Skin Lesions/Warts
Oral Surgery
Excision or Biopsy of oral lesions
Arterial Venous Fistula (AVF)
Endoveneous Laser Therapy (LA)/(GA)
Stripping of Varicose Vein (LA)/(GA)
Injection into Varicose Veins
Insertion of Chemoport / Hickman Line (Oncology)
Chemoport Removal (Oncology)
Brachytherapy/Radiotherapy (Oncology)
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
Hormonal or Non-hormonal therapy implant (subcutaneous/intramuscular)
Please note that the procedures listed are PruBSN’s recommendation only. The decision and necessity for any daycare surgery procedure shall be at the discretion of the attending Doctor.
This list is non-exhaustive, and it will be subject to revision at the discretion of Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad, from time to time.
Coverage is subject to certificate holder benefit entitlement, which is based on their certificate benefit, coverage and exclusions.
Day Surgery FAQ
1. What is Day Surgery?
Day Surgery, refers to medical procedures that allow patients to undergo surgery and return home on the same day, without requiring an overnight hospital stay. These procedures are typically minimally invasive, allowing for a faster recovery.
2. What types of surgeries qualify as Day Surgery?
Common Day Surgery procedures include cataract removal, minor orthopedic surgeries (like carpal tunnel release), some types of biopsies, and colonoscopes. These procedures are generally short and require minimal recovery time. For full list of Day Surgery, please refer to the list of recommended day surgery procedures above.
3. Are Day Surgery covered by PruBSN ?
Yes, our medical plans cover Day Surgery procedures. However, the extent of coverage can vary depending on the specific certificate. It is essential to review your certificate to understand what is included.
4. Are Pre & Post Hospitalization benefits included for Day Surgery coverage?
Yes, it is included as part of the coverage benefit according to your certificate term and condition.
5. Does Day Surgery benefits cover procedures done at General Practitioner/Specialist clinic outside of hospital setting?
Daycare facilities differ from a procedure room in a clinic. However, certain procedures may be considered for day care benefits when performed at a clinic if:
Local nerve block / Local anesthesia or General anesthesia is involved, and
Lesion is significantly large causing a disability and is excised as medically necessary.
6. What are examples of out-patient procedures that are not covered under Day Surgery benefits?
The following some outpatient procedures that are not covered by Day Surgery benefits:
External ear suction clearance toileting or syringing.
Wound care – simple dressing of wounds.
Pap smear.
Toilet and suturing of small wounds less than 2cm.
7. What are the benefits of choosing Day Surgery over inpatient treatment?
Day Surgery typically have a quicker recovery time and are less costly compared to inpatient treatments. Patients avoid hospital stays, which means fewer room charges and a lower risk of hospital-acquired infections. This option also allows for a faster return to normal activities.
8. How long does recovery take after a Day Surgery?
Recovery time varies depending on the procedure. Many Day Surgery patients can resume normal activities within a few days, although this may vary based on the specific surgery performed.
9. Do I need to stay overnight in the hospital after a Day Surgery?
No. One of the main benefits of Day Surgery is that you do not need to stay overnight in the hospital. Patients are typically discharged within a few hours after their surgery, once they have recovered sufficiently from anesthesia.
10. Do I need to stay more than 6 hours in Day Care ward for my claim to be covered?
No. With the advancements in medical technology effective and efficient treatments are now available. it is not necessary to stay more than 6 hours in the Day Care ward for your claim to be covered.
11. Is Day Surgery safe?
Yes. Day Surgery is generally safe for most patients. The procedures are minimally invasive, and hospitals follow strict protocols to ensure patient safety. However, as with any surgery, it is essential to consult your doctor to assess your suitability for Day Surgery.