Takafulink Funds Performance and Information

Customer Notification Letters & FAQs
Takafulink Funds Annual Report
Local and Foreign Funds
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Plus
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Plus aims to maximise long-term returns through investing into a portfolio of domestic and foreign assets including Shariah-compliant equities and Shariah-compliant equity related securities, Islamic deposits, or any other Islamic financial instruments directly, and/or indirectly through the use of any Islamic funds such as investment-linked funds set up by us, Islamic collective investment schemes and/or exchange traded funds.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
b. Monthly Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana Asia
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana Asia aims to provide capital appreciation by investing in Shariah-compliant securities in the Asia Pacific ex-Japan region including Malaysia.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
b. Monthly Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Income
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Income aims to provide a stable income stream with medium to long-term capital growth.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
b. Monthly Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti aims to maximise medium-to-long term returns by investing in selected Shariah-compliant securities listed on Bursa Malaysia.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
b. Monthly Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana Sukuk
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana Sukuk aims to provide medium to long-term accumulation of capital by investing in selected sukuk and Islamic money market instruments.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
b. Monthly Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana Urus
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana Urus seeks to maximise medium-to-long term returns by investing in Shariah-compliant equities, sukuk and Islamic money market instruments through Takafulink Dana Ekuiti and Takafulink Dana Sukuk, and in any other Takafulink Funds that may become available in the future.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
b. Monthly Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana Dinamik
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana Dinamik aims to provide capital appreciation by actively investing in Shariah-compliant equities and Shariah-compliant equity-related securities. For defensive considerations, The Fund may invest in Islamic debentures and Islamic money market instruments.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
b. Monthly Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana Aktif
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana Aktif aims to provide capital appreciation by investing in small market capitalisation Shariah-compliant securities of companies with growth potential.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
b. Monthly Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana Simpanan
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana Simpanan (The Fund) aims to provide steady income stream through investments in Shariah-compliant deposits/money market instruments.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Dinasti
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Dinasti aims to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in Shariah-compliant investments with exposure to the Greater China region.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Dinasti
b. Monthly Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Global
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana Ekuiti Global aims to provide capital appreciation by investing in Shariah-compliant investments with exposure to the global equity markets.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
b. Monthly Fund Fact Sheet
Takafulink Dana ESG Global
Investment Objective
Takafulink Dana ESG Global aims to maximise returns over long term by investing in a qualified Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Fund.
a. Master Fund Fact Sheet
b. Monthly Fund Fact Sheet