It's time to update your payment card details
If you have just renewed your debit card, remember to update it to ensure you and your loved ones are continuously covered and protected by your takaful certificate. 

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Good Self-Governance and Best Conduct

Stewarding the human impacts of climate change

Promoting the preservation of Life, Lineage, Wealth and Intellect by supporting a just transition through Shariah compliance, clean investments and digitization for a circular economy and preservation of natural resources.

• Responsible Investment
• Supporting Just Transition
• Responsible Sourcing
• Smart Building Management

UN SDGs: SDG 3, SDG 8, SDG 11
VBIT: Good Self-Governance, Best Conduct

Supporting Just Transition
Our sustainability journey supports greening the economy in a way that is as fair and inclusive. We aim to help people get the most out of life and leave no one behind. The PruBSN’s inaugural ESG fund provides an attractive investment option for responsible investors seeking to translate their climate change concerns into investments that bring positive social and environmental impact.
Responsible Sourcing
Our people are transitioning towards the active and conscious procurement and use of products and services that have a commitment to the circular economy. Our joint contribution towards preserving the well-being of communities and environment.