Tips for staying Fit and Healthy during Ramadhan

Ramadhan is one of the most important months in the Muslim calendar. During this holy month, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk, abstaining from drinking and eating during those hours. But Ramadhan is more than just about staying away from food and drink. Muslims are also encouraged to practice patience, increase their faith and spirituality, perform charity as well as strengthen the bonds between our fellow humankind.
For the majority of us, life goes on as usual as we put into practise the principles of Ramadhan. We go to work, study, clean the house, but the lack of energy often becomes an excuse not to exercise. Additionally, we feel justified indulging in our favourite treats after a day of thirst and hunger. With special Ramadhan dishes, bazaars selling an array of delicacies, and copious ‘buka puasa’ buffets, going overboard during this month is all too easy.
It’s important to stay fit and healthy throughout Ramadhan. Good sustenance and staying active gives us energy for our daily routines, helps us focus at work, and participate in special Ramadhan activities, such as tarawih or Qiyamullail prayers. However, this doesn’t mean you need to hit the gym as hard or burn a thousand calories a day. The key is to find a balance between practising Ramadhan and keeping yourself healthy and active, and we have some ideas to help you get your sweat on during the fasting month.
Do the right workouts
Whether you’re a specimen of physical fitness, someone who works out regularly or not at all, Ramadhan affects your energy levels and how your body functions. If you would like to continue or even start working out during the fasting month, doing the right exercises is key to ensuring you do not overexert yourself.
Go easy the first few days until your body acclimatizes to your new energy levels.
Don’t start a new exercise routine, especially a gruelling one. Avoid increasing the intensity of your regular training as your muscles may not have the energy for that additional push.
If you don’t work out and would like to start during Ramadhan, start slow and easy. Go on short walks or practise meditation.
Muscle mass loss can occur during Ramadhan. Resistance training exercises such as squats, lunges, push-ups and moderate weights can help maintain muscle mass.
Go for low intensity cardio workouts like brisk walks, swimming in a pool, using a rowing or stepping machine or other exercises that won’t make you sweat as much.
Alternate your work out days or add an additional rest day or two in between.
Exercise at the right time
Exercising at the right time is important during Ramadhan. Thankfully, fasting and non-fasting hours are quite even in Malaysia, giving us plenty of time to work out.
Keep your exercise light during daylight hours.
If you’re an early riser, get up an hour or so earlier to exercise before suhoor. Do your intense workouts then, as you’ll be able to replenish your energy and water levels after.
Exercise immediately after breaking your fast with something light (like dates and water). Avoid exercising immediately after a full meal as your body needs time to digest the food.
If you’re used to working out on an empty stomach, you can also exercise just before breaking your fast. This way, you can immediately replenish your energy after.
If you’re a night owl, consider exercising after tarawih. Allow for an hour or two of post-work out time as most exercises will get your heart pumping and keep you awake.
Listen to your body
Our bodies function differently during Ramadhan. Additionally, we may have different commitments during this special month. Feel free to adjust your workout routine and length so you are able to keep active without overworking your body and your time.
If you’re tired, don’t push it. Take longer breaks between circuit-style workouts.
Maintain consistency. If you already work out regularly, continue to do so. If you don’t exercise regularly, the time to start doing so is not during Ramadhan.
Don’t forget to get enough sleep.
Eat and drink right
Eating and drinking right keeps you healthy throughout Ramadhan. It also gives you the fuel you need to sustain your energy throughout your workouts. Additionally, with the special food and feasts that appear during Ramadhan, it’s very easy to overindulge.
Don’t skip suhoor.
Eat enough to replenish your energy.
It’s easy to indulge when you’re hungry, but foods that digest slower, such as wholegrains and protein, will keep you fuller longer.
Drink enough water, but don’t drink it all at once. Your body needs time to absorb all that liquid. Take regular sips instead of drinking a litre or two at one go.
If you need the extra boost, take your vitamins and supplements.
PruBSN wishes you a blessed, safe and healthy Ramadhan.