Special COVID-19 Coverage 2021
CAMPAIGN ENDED: The Special COVID-19 Coverage 2021 has ended. Any eligible claims must be submitted no later than 3 months from date of diagnosis.
We want our customers to continue to DO life with peace of mind as they face the prolonged effects of the pandemic.
As such, we are pleased to announce the renewal of RM2,000,000 fund for the Special COVID-19 Coverage for Prudential Malaysia customers* from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021 or until the total pay-out under this special coverage reaches its claims limit, whichever is earlier. The coverage includes:
RM1,000 hospitalisationat any of the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) designated hospital within the coverage period due to COVID-19
RM10,000 lump sum payment upon death due to COVID-19 within the coverage period
Frequently Asked Questions
More about Special COVID-19 Coverage 2021
1. Who is eligible to the Special COVID-19 Coverage? |
For eligible Prudential Malaysia customers | |
COVID-19 Cash Relief
Upon hospitalisation in any of the Ministry of Health Malaysia designated hospital due to COVID-19 |
RM1,000 Cash Relief |
COVID-19 Death Benefit |
RM10,000 lump sum payment |
Eligibility | Prudential Malaysia customer* |
Claims Limit# | RM2mil |
Eligibility Period | 1 Jan 2021 until 31 Dec 2021 or until reaches maximum claims limit, whichever is earlier. |
Note: |
There is no additional cost for this special coverage. |
For eligible Prudential Malaysia customer, you are automatically enrolled for this special coverage. |
The Ministry of Health Malaysia (“MOH”) has designated a number of referral hospitals nationwide in handling patients with COVID-19. You may refer here. This list is accurate at time of publication. |
All existing benefits are payable in accordance with the policy/certificate terms and conditions. The COVID-19 Special Coverage does not impact the existing policy benefits. |
For Prudential Malaysia Customer: i. Completed medical claim form (for non-PSP submission) and application for direct credit/e-credit details. ii. Medical report/discharge summary/doctor’s statement with complete diagnosis and treatment plan; and iii. Investigation and/or laboratory report with COVID-19 confirmatory test result i.e. nasal/throat swab or other tests as advised by MOH. |
You can submit the supporting documents as below via email to customer.mys@prudential.com.my or customer@prubsn.com.my or submit them to your agent for the agent’s submission via PRUServe Plus (“PSP”): |
In accordance with the below checklist requirement, please submit through customer service e-mail (customer.mys@prudential.com.my or customer@prubsn.com.my) or get your agent to submit in PSP: |
No exclusion or waiting period is imposed for this Special COVID-19 Coverage. |
10. If I have an existing medical claim, am I still entitled to the Special COVID-19 Coverage? |
Yes, you’ll be entitled to the Special COVID-19 Coverage even though you have an existing medical claim. Please refer to Q1 for eligibility criteria. |
11. I’m tested positive with COVID-19, but I’m not required to be hospitalised, am I eligible for COVID-19 Cash Relief? |
No. You can only be eligible for this Special COVID-19 Coverage, if you are diagnosed positive with COVID-19 and hospitalised in a hospital designated by Ministry of Health Malaysia. |
12. I’m tested with positive with COVID-19, but I’m not required to be hospitalised, am I eligible for COVID-19 Cash Relief? |
No. You can only be eligible for this Special COVID-19 Coverage, if you are diagnosed positive with COVID-19 and hospitalised in a hospital designated by Ministry of Health Malaysia. |
13. I’m hospitalised to undergo COVID-19 test, but I have not been diagnosed positive with COVID-19, am I eligible for COVID-19 Cash Relief? |
No. You can only be eligible for this Special COVID-19 Coverage, if you are diagnosed positive with COVID-19 and hospitalised in a hospital designated by Ministry of Health Malaysia. |
14. I was admitted to a quarantine station/facility/centre/isolation ward within the hospital building for quarantine and monitoring, due to positive diagnosis of COVID-19, but without any inpatient treatment required. Am I still eligible for the Special COVID-19 Coverage? |
No. You can only be eligible for this Special COVID-19 Coverage if you are diagnosed positive with COVID-19 and hospitalised in a hospital designated by the Ministry of Health Malaysia. Warding for quarantine purpose or for just monitoring will not be eligible for such Special COVID-19 coverage. This is because the fund for the Special COVID-19 coverage is limited and we want to ensure that it is available for patients in the most need i.e. patients who require active inpatient treatment. The MOH has defined various clinical staging (1-5) of symptoms associated with COVID-19. Patients in clinical category 1 to 2 are typically presented with mild disease and generally no treatment is required, and they do not need to be hospitalised. To assess whether the admission is a “quarantine” or “hospitalisation”, we will refer to the medical report/ discharge summary/ doctor's statement. The admission will be considered a ‘hospitalisation’ when the documents report that the patient received active in-hospital treatment (i.e. ventilation support, oxygen supply and intravenous medication) due to a positive diagnosis of COVID-19. |
15. If I’m hospitalised due to positive diagnosis of COVID-19 and later I pass away due to COVID-19, what is amount payable under this Special COVID-19 Coverage? |
We will pay RM1,000 for COVID-19 Cash Relief and RM10,000 for COVID-19 Death Benefit, subject to achieving overall limit whichever earlier.
16. I am covered under one policy from Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad and another two certificates under Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad. Am I eligible for Special COVID-19 Coverage under each of these three policies and certificates? |
No. This Special COVID-19 Coverage is only given to cover you once. You can claim either from PAMB or PruBSN. |
17. Will a claim under this Special COVID-19 Coverage use up the annual/lifetime limit under my medical plan? |
The payout of this Special COVID-19 Coverage will not use up your annual/lifetime limit. However, if you are also entitled to claim under existing medical rider(s), annual/lifetime limit will be deducted accordingly. |
18. What if my diagnosis date was between 1 May 2020 and 31 December 2020, am I eligible for this Special COVID-19 Coverage? |
No. However, you are eligible for the previous Special COVID-19 Coverage that we provide for eligibility period between 1 May 2020 and 31 Dec 2020, if you submit your claim within 3 months from the date of diagnosis. |
19. How long will it take to process the Special COVID-19 Coverage claims? |
Upon receiving the complete documents, the claim payment will be processed within 14 working days. We will be offering Fast Track processing for submission via PSP. |
20. Who do I contact for further clarification? |
Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad |